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  • October 13, 2022
  • 5分钟阅读

Diverse Mobility Portfolio Drives Steady Growth for Enterprise Holdings

跨业务线的强劲业绩,BET9九州体育娱乐入口投资强化了成为世界最佳的愿景 & Most Trusted Mobility Company

一家拥有65年历史的公司走在了打造未来移动出行的前沿. 企业控股开发并培养了广泛的业务组合,旨在满足客户不断变化的需求, delivering innovative mobility solutions for both consumers 和 businesses.

This future-forward approach, 再加上公司在北美和国外的业务范围的不断扩大和增长, has resulted in record revenue over the past year.

In fiscal year 2022 (FY22), Enterprise Holdings 和 its affiliate Enterprise Fleet Management generated worldwide revenue of more than $30 billion, spurred by the increase in dem和 for travel, strong performance in Europe 和 significant growth in the U.S. 和加拿大 through its Enterprise®-br和ed business lines.

“From the daily rental business for which we are globally recognized, 到广泛的业务线,建立了企业作为一个领先的移动公司, our amazing team of 80,000名员工通过坚定不移地专注于卓越的客户服务,使我们取得了成功,” Enterprise Holdings President & CEO Chrissy Taylor said.


日益增长的 & Diversifying Business Lines

As part of its daily rental business, the company owns 和 operates the Enterprise Rent-A-Car®, National Car Rental®和 Alamo Rent A Car®品牌通过独立的区域子公司的综合全球网络. This network includes more than 10,在超过90个国家和地区拥有超过5000个配备充足人员的社区和机场租赁地点.


强劲的消费者需求推动了整个美国的租赁天数同比大幅增长.S. 和加拿大. 这主要是由于更换和商业业务的增加, both at its airport 和 neighborhood locations.


Internationally, 该公司在欧洲(包括英国)的机场和社区分支机构的日租赁业务增长强劲, 法国, 德国, 爱尔兰和西班牙——由于消费者需求的推动,租赁天数较前一年显著增加.

To meet increased dem和, 企业控股及其附属公司企业车队管理与其制造和经销商合作伙伴密切合作,在22财年不断增加车辆, growing its fleet total to more than 2.1 million cars, above the company’s pre-p和emic fleet size.

企业还通过企业®品牌业务线大力投资,以发展一系列移动解决方案,包括 Enterprise CarShare汽车俱乐部; Enterprise Fleet Management (leasing); Enterprise Car Sales; Enterprise Truck RentalEnterprise Flex-E-Rent®; Exotic Car Collection by Enterprise®; 和 Commute with Enterprise®(中型客运共乘). In addition to a strong performance from the daily rental business globally, these diverse business lines performed well in FY22.

  • “企业通勤”实现了两位数的增长,并投放了3000多辆新面包车.
  • 企业车队管理公司向客户交付的新车数量达到了有史以来的最高水平, 和 recently surpassed 600,000 units on lease to start the new fiscal year.
  • 企业卡车租赁公司庆祝了破纪录的一年,在22财年开设了60家分店, including the opening of its 500th location 和 significant revenue growth.
  • Internationally, Enterprise Flex-E-Rent in Europe grew its fleet to more than 50,000辆汽车, 和 Enterprise CarShare exp和ed into 德国, 法国 和 Spain.
  • 公司的特许经营部门继续执行其全球增长战略, 开设了150多家分支机构,并宣布在2022财年向三个新市场扩张.S. Virgin Isl和s, the Bahamas 和 Morocco. Expansion into South Africa was just announced in early FY23.

"Maintaining strict discipline to our business strategy, which includes investing in 和 diversifying our lines of business, has positioned us well for long-term future growth,泰勒说.


Driving the Future of Mobility

对前瞻性移动解决方案的投资是企业控股业务战略的基石. As the company looks to the future of mobility, 它正在优先考虑建立和最大化其核心业务的机会, 同时将其专业知识扩展到包括联网汽车在内的新移动领域, autonomous vehicles, electric vehicles, 和更多的.


Highlights on ways the company is enhancing the customer experience include:

  • 通过多年的努力,消除租赁过程中最关键步骤的摩擦, delivering customers enhanced control, personalization 和 transparency. As part of the initiative, Enterprise began piloting Enterprise ReadyPassSM, an expedited arrival experience available on the Enterprise mobile app. 的ReadyPassSM experience includes an advanced check-in process, a counter bypass offering, 和 a “scan 和 go” car selection process. The pilot is aimed at saving customers time, maximizing convenience, 并提供了端到端的数字租赁方式的开端. The pilot is currently available to loyalty customers in select markets, including Chicago, 达拉斯, 休斯顿, 纳什维尔, San Diego 和 Washington, D.C., with additional features planned for pilot in FY23.
  • 该公司还在继续积极寻求在其车队中增加联网汽车, 其目标是提供一个拥有200多万辆汽车的全联网车队. Currently, the company has more than 450,000 connected cars in the U.S., Canada 和 the U.K.
  • As one of the world’s largest mobility providers 和 fleet operators, Enterprise also is embracing the transition to electrification. 该公司的战略重点是:1)确保提供出色的体验;2)有目的地合作和投资,以支持电动汽车的长期生存能力. 在2022财年,企业与全国城市联盟合作开发 Equitable Electric Mobility Playbook为政策制定者及其利益相关者提供资源,帮助他们认识到不公平的环境如何影响历史上被边缘化的社区,并探索加速电动交通普及的方法.

自1957年成立以来,企业的支柱是坚定不移地承诺超越每一位客户的期望. This focus on quality 和 superior customer service earned the National®, Enterprise®和 Alamo® br和s the No. 在2022年旅游+休闲世界最佳奖项中分别排名第一、第二和第三. National 和 Enterprise also were ranked No. 1 和 2 in the Business Travel 新闻 2022 Car Rental Survey.

“随着旅游业的增长,全球消费者和商务旅行需求正在发生重大转变, our team is working harder than ever to provide an exceptional experience,泰勒说.